
Thanks for visiting my new blog.  I can’t count the number of times I’ve wished that I was a writer – fiction, mostly.  I’ve started writing numerous books and then get sidetracked.  I come up with (what I think are) great ideas for a story, and then never do anything with them.  I finally realized that I don’t have to be published to be a writer.  After all, isn’t that what blogs are for?  Finding your inner whatever you wish you had become in life? 

I decided I’d start this blog and force myself to write.  Even if no one else reads it, at least I’ll be doing it rather than saying “what if” or “if only”.  If you like to read posts about random thoughts, struggles to find happiness, and life in general, check back often!

About Michele

I am a thirty-something aspiring writer and photographer. For the time being, I earn my living as an attorney. When I'm not writing or making pictures, you'll find me running, playing with my dogs, or eating at local restaurants with my husband.

Posted on November 20, 2010, in life, writing and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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