The Last Long Run

(OR Less than One Week to Go)

(OR What Have I Gotten Myself Into?!)

I really can’t believe the race is just five sleeps away.  Five!  I started my training program 19 weeks ago.  November 3rd seemed like a lifetime away.  And now it’s nearly here.  I keep alternating between feeling nervous but prepared, and scared out of my mind.  Other than a few off weeks early on, I stuck to my training program – speed work and all.  If something goes terribly awry on Saturday, it won’t be for lack of physical preparation.  No, my biggest fear is self-doubt, but there’s no sense in dwelling on that now.

After my 16 mile run last weekend, my foot felt fine.  By Tuesday, I had no pain or discomfort.  Doesn’t that sound like the perfect time to take a fall and scrape up your hands and knees?  No?  Well, that’s what happened Wednesday morning.  We were downtown running with our Back on My Feet team, and we were just a couple of blocks from the end of the run.  It was still dark out, and there is temporary fencing at almost every corner along Pennsylvania.  I didn’t see the base of the fencing covered in leaves.  My toe hit the metal, and I was on the ground before I even knew I was falling.  Aside from some pretty good scabs (the likes of which I haven’t had since I fell off my bike when I was 9 or 10), I really wasn’t hurt.  Just my pride (seriously, is there anything worse than falling flat on your face?  At least I was at the back of the group).

On Thursday I had a good, fast tempo run, despite a sore knee.  My schedule originally called for a last “long” run of 8 miles.  That just didn’t seem long enough, so I planned for 12 on Sunday.  I decided I would run part of the race course, including the stretch of Meridian from Kessler to 46th.  For the most part, I will agree with the description that the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon is a flat course.  Comparatively speaking, it undoubtedly is.  But that’s not to say there aren’t some decent hills to tackle.  As we crossed Westfield on Sunday, and I looked up and saw what looked like a giant slide in front of me, I was glad I wasn’t seeing that view for the first time at mile 15 or so of the race.

When we started Sunday, it was pretty brisk even though we didn’t leave until 8:45 or so.  The cool temperatures made it easy to run quickly, and early on I settled into a 9 minute or faster pace.  Without much effort, I kept picking it up.  I was certain I would hit a wall, but let my legs go.  Soon, I was below 8:30, and I realized that I probably did not push myself hard enough during these last 19 weeks.  It’s too late now to do anything about that, so I can only focus on doing the best that I can.

Right now, my biggest concern is what to wear.  With the hurricane hitting the east coast, I know that a lot can change between now and Saturday.  I have 4 different outfits picked out, and I think it will ultimately be a morning-of call.

I need to sit down and work on my playlist.  (Do you have a favorite motivating race song? Leave me a comment with your suggestions!)  I haven’t been listening to music lately during training runs, but it’s a necessity when running by myself with only my thoughts for 4 (or less!) hours.  However, if something were to happen to my iPod, I feel confident that I would be able to get through it.  Now, if my Garmin died, that would be another story!  (I plan on taking a back up watch because I would NOT be able to run watch-less).

As I finish this, I feel surprisingly calm.  I keep picturing myself running the course, and crossing the finish line under my goal time.  I also sometimes envision what it would be like to cross the finish in 3:40 (the time I would need to qualify for Boston).  I know – it’s a long shot, but a girl can dream!

About Michele

I am a thirty-something aspiring writer and photographer. For the time being, I earn my living as an attorney. When I'm not writing or making pictures, you'll find me running, playing with my dogs, or eating at local restaurants with my husband.

Posted on October 29, 2012, in running and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. SO, so proud of you Michele. What an amazing achievement. x

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