So Why ‘Running in the Dark’?

You might be wondering, “what does ‘running in the dark’ mean?”  What is this blog about?  Is it literal, figurative, what?  It’s actually both.  I tried coming up with something clever to reflect what I intend for this blog to be about, but all of my early ideas were already taken.  I came up with this title, and I think it’s fitting.  Maybe no one thinks “running in the dark” is clever, but at least the title can always be changed, right?  I know – I’m stuck with the URL.

My intentions for this endeavor are to discuss the journeys people undergo to find happiness and satisfaction in life.  It’s not easy – believe me, I know.  It’s taken me a long time to find a place in the world where I wake up almost every day feeling happy.  Some days, overwhelmingly so.  It’s still taking some getting used to.  Running in the dark doesn’t just mean going through dark or difficult times.  It means going through times where you have no idea where you are heading, where you came from, where you even want to go, and what’s around you.  It’s like you are stumbling around in the dark in unfamiliar surroundings.  But eventually you get your bearings and make it through the dark.

Running in the dark is also literal.  I started running (seriously running) in January of this year.  I have run on a sporadic basis since college, but had gotten to the point where none of my pants fit anymore and I felt disgusted with myself.  I joined a group just for women that trains together for half-marathon and marathon races.  As I said, we started training for a May race in January.  We meet Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings at 7:30.  Depending on the time of year, it’s dark during both of those sessions.  I am a person who does not like early mornings or cold.  Yet I pulled myself out of bed every Sunday morning and put on my running shoes.  Running has provided me with much more than an outlet for stress and a way to lose weight.  My body has accomplished things I never thought I would be able to do – like complete a half-marathon at an 8:15 pace.  I also now have a goal of qualifying for the Boston Marathon while I’m still in the first age bracket and therefore the fastest pace.  Running has been instrumental in my journey to find happiness.  I know it’s not for everyone, but the generally applicable lesson that running has taught me is that everyone needs something that is their own.  Everyone needs something that is both challenging and rewarding that allows you to say “I am good at this.”

Anyway, there’s the background on the title and a little bit more about me.

About Michele

I am a thirty-something aspiring writer and photographer. For the time being, I earn my living as an attorney. When I'm not writing or making pictures, you'll find me running, playing with my dogs, or eating at local restaurants with my husband.

Posted on November 21, 2010, in goals, journey, life, running and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I love the name. I used to run in the dark too. Now I just walk in the dark (too many injuries!! Not enough street lights!!)

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