The Deceptive Sun

I hate this time of year in the midwest.  Half the time it is cloudy, snowy, or blah, and the other half the sun is out, but it is still bitterly cold!  That’s what it was like today.  I woke up this morning and I could see the sunlight streaming through the blinds.  It could have been a summer day from where I was in bed.  Then I got up.  The snow was still on the ground and none of it had melted overnight.

I had already decided that I was going to run first thing – before I even made the coffee.  I have to start getting into the mindset of running 5-6 days a week – no matter what is going on outside.  Unfortunately, I had to check the temperature in order to know the appropriate clothing to layer on.  Too much or too little could make for an unpleasant run.  I should have just gone with my instinct, because it was only 10 degrees!  At least it was in the double digits…

I did not let that deter me.  I layered up, and put on all my accessories: hat, tube-scarf-thing that I hate, and convertible mittens/gloves that I love.  I thought the scarf thing was going to be a great investment.  Some of the women in my running group had them last year, and I was determined to get one for this winter.  I saw them at Dick’s but ended up buying one from Eddie Bauer because it was a bright color instead of black.  (I am concerned with visibility when running at dusk).  I think it would be great if I wasn’t running, but it isn’t tight enough to stay around my face, then my chin gets cold.

As anticipated, it was cold!  There was no point in the sun even being out as little warmth as it was giving off.  I went four miles and my time was a little slow, partially due to the snow on the ground and partially due to the cold and wind.  But I did it, and after I got home I wondered why it is so hard for me to make myself run first thing in the morning when I feel so much better for the rest of the day.  And even though the sun deceived me, it was still nice to be in the bright outdoors.

After being out and about this afternoon I had again talked myself out of running first thing tomorrow morning.  Then one of my running coaches stopped by to give me a belated gift of super warm tights.  They are actually made for rowers and I have heard that they are unbelievable in cold weather.  Now I have no excuse not to go.  If they are really as warm as I’ve been told, I will never have that excuse again.  Wait, maybe that’s the reason not to go…just kidding.

About Michele

I am a thirty-something aspiring writer and photographer. For the time being, I earn my living as an attorney. When I'm not writing or making pictures, you'll find me running, playing with my dogs, or eating at local restaurants with my husband.

Posted on January 8, 2011, in exercise, life, running and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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