Impending Snow Day

I am expecting a snow day either tomorrow or Wednesday (or both), so I thought I’d take advantage of the recent The Daily Post topic.  I love snow days and I have no problem staying entertained when I’m snowed in!  I used to work about 35 to 40 minutes away from where I lived, and I definitely took advantage of winter weather advisories.  I am now an independent contractor, so the snow days continue!  I used to have to take the interstate to the office, and people are crazy when it snows.  The number of accidents was enough of a reason to stay home.  Now, I live in the city, but the snow plows don’t come down my street.  It’s hard to make it through 7 inches of snow in my Honda. 

My personal philosophy is that if school is cancelled, work is cancelled.  Why not?  Employers should want their employees safe to come back and work another day!  So, whenever I hear of an approaching winter storm, I heed the warning and get prepared (I wish the city did the same…).  I gather up enough work from the office to get me through about one and a half days.  I know that doesn’t sound like fun, but I love working from home and I am always more productive.  I tend to get up earlier when I know I don’t physically have to go into the office, and therefore start working earlier (and finishing earlier). 

Depending on how much snow we get (or whether it has even stopped falling), my husband and I will go out and shovel.  I know this doesn’t sound like fun either, but it’s a great form of exercise!  Let’s be honest, if we’ve gotten so much snow that shoveling is required, I’m not going to be able to run.  Plus it’s something we can do together.  Our driveway is pretty long, and we share it with the neighbors.  If we don’t shovel, it gets driven on and the ice will be there well into spring.  (The frustrating part of the shared drive is that the snow shoveling is not shared).  We also have to clear off the sidewalks and front paths for the mail lady.

Once the snow day work is out of the way, then the fun can begin!  I will usually catch up on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.  I love Ellen, but she’s on at 11 am in my area, so I have to record it.  I am always behind on episodes.  I just seem to run out of time in the evenings.  I also like to curl up with a good book, preferably under a blanket with the dog.  This is the perfect time to be snowed in because I’m ready to start reading something new.  I also enjoy having some tasty hot chocolate.  It’s well deserved after shoveling!

I’m looking forward to a day or two of being snowed in, so I hope we get as much as is predicted.

About Michele

I am a thirty-something aspiring writer and photographer. For the time being, I earn my living as an attorney. When I'm not writing or making pictures, you'll find me running, playing with my dogs, or eating at local restaurants with my husband.

Posted on January 10, 2011, in life and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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