Can You Choose Your Own Path?

As a follow-up to yesterday’s post and in response to a thought-provoking comment from a fellow blogger, I thought I would continue to discuss the path of enlightenment.  What do I think my path is?  I’m still trying to figure that out, but I know for certain that it requires divergence from my current path.  I like to think that I have the strength and courage to build the path in front of me, to open doors I build, and pursue the unknown.

I haven’ t always had that courage.  In fact, I’ve stood before opportunities too afraid to take them, too afraid to even move.  And so there I stayed, on a circular leg of my path, even though I knew where I was heading was detrimental to my mental health and physical well-being.  Eventually I found the strength to make changes with the help and unconditional support of a few wonderful friends.

I now have a fantastic support system in my husband (and dog) and am looking forward to our journey together.  I hope that someday soon the pitter-patter of little feet will join us on our path.  But that part of my life is only part of my path.  What about the rest of who I am?  What about what I do to help support my family?

As I’ve mentioned before, I am not satisfied with my career choice.  I realized about a year or so ago that things were not going to change unless and until I created new opportunities for myself.  The first step was to figure out what I wanted to do.  After all, how can you change  your path without knowing the general direction that you want to go in?  I thought about what aspects of being a lawyer are most unsatisfying to me.  I thought about what I wanted from the perfect career.

And what I came up with is writing and photography.  The two really do go hand in hand.  What is photography but telling a story with pictures instead of words?  I have always loved writing and reading.  I have thought about being a writer many times.  I could write novels, I could write textbooks, I could write any number of things.  (That’s not to say they would be published! – I recognize the distinction.)  I finally decided that if my ideal career involved writing, that’s what I should do.  All writing requires is a pen, paper, and ideas.  (Luckily I also have a computer and the internet).

Photography has taken more time to evolve.  First, being a photographer requires more tools than being a writer, and it is expensive to obtain those tools.  But thanks to my generous husband, I received the camera I needed to start learning and building a portfolio.

So, I keep writing and I keep taking pictures, and I plan to pave the next portion of my path with both.  I plan to make opportunities for myself because such a drastic change does not come about by sitting and waiting.  I expect that it will be hard.  I expect obstacles and challenges.  But I don’t plan on giving up.  I know that there is a path out there that will lead me to a satisfying life.  A path that, when I look back over it at the end of the journey, makes me feel proud and happy.  And it’s my job to uncover it.

About Michele

I am a thirty-something aspiring writer and photographer. For the time being, I earn my living as an attorney. When I'm not writing or making pictures, you'll find me running, playing with my dogs, or eating at local restaurants with my husband.

Posted on January 17, 2011, in journey, life, writing and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. Wonderful. Running in the dark towards your ideal life. How inspiring. And never mind about publishing – its the sheer joy of creating something from nothing (with either photography or writing) that makes it all worth it. If anything comes of it, wonderful. If not, what a great way to spend your days.

  2. This might be a bit cheeky, but can I put in a request for a story about photography? Its up to you. Maybe how you came to learn it, love it. Or a story about your favourite photo you’ve taken.

  3. How about a short story about a photographer?

    Kudos for summoning the courage to get out there. I’m trying to do that a little myself. I guess we all are.

  4. Really glad I came across your words tonight its inspired me.I have been struggling with doubts about my own writing and what direction/path I should take .My camera has not seen enough action in the last couple of years because I have let personal life get in the way far too much at times when being creative and learning more about the arts was really what i wanted to be concentrating on..

    • I’m glad I could provide some inspiration! It is true that life can get in the way of pursuing passions. I started by just carving out 15 minutes a day to focus on doing something creative. Before I knew it, that was part of my routine! Best of luck finding your path.

  5. I enjoyed reading this. I am at a similar crossroads – Unsatisfied with my career direction. I think the hardest part is deciding what is is you want to do, what new direction you want to take. Thanks for the post! Looks like you’ve struck a chord with a lot of readers!

    • Thank you! I agree that the hardest part is figuring out where you want to go. Without knowing that, you can’t come up with a plan and that can make your current situation even more unbearable. I’m trying to take a healthier approach these days! Glad you stopped by!

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