In The Blink Of An Eye

I really have no idea where yesterday went.  Do you ever have those days where your schedule is jam-packed, and before you know it the day is gone and you just did not have the time to get everything done?  That was my Saturday.  I will readily admit that I got up a little later than usual, but only by 45 minutes to an hour.  That amount of time is really not that significant in the scheme of a day.

We got ready, and walked to have brunch.  Despite the restaurant being packed, we were seated fairly quickly.  (As it turned out, the majority of the people waiting were part of two huge parties).  We were done and out the door in no time, and on our way to shoe shopping.  I did take my time looking down all of the aisles at DSW, but nothing unreasonable.  Then we had to stop at the running store so I could get new running shoes.  Again, I spent a normal amount of time with the sales person selecting shoes.  We got home about three, both of us went for a run, and then it was time to get ready for my husband’s firm outing.

It started at 5, with dinner reservations at 7:30.  I figured we would be home by 9:30 or so, even with a big dinner party.  No such luck.  We didn’t get seated until after 8:00, and I don’t think we got our entrees until after 9:00.  This was a bit surprising because the restaurant has many private rooms in an upstairs area away from the main dining, so I figured they were used to large parties.  We didn’t leave until 10:30, although my belly was full of tasty Italian food.

And with that, the day was gone.  I don’t mind when that happens during the week, but now I really feel like there hasn’t been much of a weekend.  Luckily today has been both productive and relaxing.  I was up early, ran 6 miles, have completed two blog posts to make up for yesterday’s poor attempts, and it’s not even 11:00.  Now my stomach is grumbling loudly, so I think it may be time to refuel for the day.

***Interesting – apparently I didn’t actually publish this yesterday.  I’m not sure what happened.  I remember hitting publish and looking at the suggested spelling corrections.  I must not have hit the button a second time.  Oops.  I guess I will have two new posts today!

About Michele

I am a thirty-something aspiring writer and photographer. For the time being, I earn my living as an attorney. When I'm not writing or making pictures, you'll find me running, playing with my dogs, or eating at local restaurants with my husband.

Posted on January 31, 2011, in life and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. I wondered what happened here. All this talk of food is making me hungry!!
    I had one of those days today. Everything was going backwards. I have only just sat down and it’s 8.30pm. LOOOOONG day.

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