As of Today, I’m A Mac

I woke up, so excited, like a kid on Christmas.  The package was going to be delivered in just a few hours.  Would it really be on time?  Would I get to hold it in my hands before I had to go to work?  I went downstairs and pulled up the shipping notification email to track my shipment.  It was in the city!    But no updates beyond 7:57 am.  It was promised to be here by 10:30 am!

I anxiously got in the shower.  After exiting the shower, I checked the status again.  Drat!  No change.  I decided to just get ready.  I didn’t have to be at the office until 11:00.  I finished with my hair and makeup and decided I would turn on the computer rather than checking the status on my phone.  Maybe the site wasn’t updating properly on my phone.  This time – success!  On the truck and out for delivery.  Now, would it be here in an hour and a half?

I tried to do some work, listening intently for vehicles to drive down the street.  At 10:20, I heard a rumbling.  It didn’t sound like any ordinary car.  I jumped up and peeked out the front window.  There is was!  The white Fed Ex truck!  It was here!  I eagerly met the driver outside the front door (mainly because if I were to open the door, the dog would run away).  I frantically scribbled my name on the package tracker device and tried to take the package in a way that did not appear as if I were snatching it from the driver’s hands.

I nearly rushed into the house.  I looked at the box.  Amazed.  It was in a plain cardboard box.  No logos.  No distinguishing marks.  Nothing to indicate the wonderfulness that was inside.  What was inside you ask?  Something built just for me, made to my exact specifications.  A MacBook Pro!  Still nervous about the switch from PC to Mac, I took a picture of the unassuming brown box, and left for work.  I didn’t want to go, but I had to get to the office for my call.

Somehow, the day flew by.  I had to run an errand before heading home, and that seemed to take forever.  So much traffic.  My husband told me I could go ahead and open the box before he got home.  He had a late appointment and I had somewhere to be at 6:30.

I carefully opened the packing slip and cut the packing tape on the top of the box.  I slowly pulled the computer box out of the shipping box.  Even the packaging was beautiful.  So compact.  So environmentally friendly.  With much anticipation, I opened the box, revealing the MacBook inside.  It was all I had dreamed of.

I resisted the urge to just open it up and turn it on.  This wasn’t a PC.  I should probably take a quick look at the instruction booklet.  I scanned the first few pages and realized this was even simpler than any PC I’d ever set up.  I grabbed the power cord, went to the couch, plugged it in and pressed power.  Oh, the screen was amazing!  Such color!  Such definition!  I’d never seen such a screen on a laptop.

I played around with the applications.  Checked my email and my blogs.  Then, I plugged in my external hard drive will all my photos.  First, I plugged in the hard drive and the computer immediately recognized it.  I just clicked on it, and everything was there.  No “new hardware found”.  No “installing drivers”.  It was just…there.  I clicked through the folders and opened the first picture I came to.  I was floored.  The clarity!  The contrast!  This computer is amazing!

Unfortunately, I had to leave for a knitting class.  I am just now getting to play with it again.  I installed my Photoshop Elements and am getting ready to start editing.  I can’t wait.  The speed with which the program was installed and the photos were pulled into the Organizer was amazing.  I’m going to fly through edits!

Needless to say, I missed my run tonight.  There’s always tomorrow!

About Michele

I am a thirty-something aspiring writer and photographer. For the time being, I earn my living as an attorney. When I'm not writing or making pictures, you'll find me running, playing with my dogs, or eating at local restaurants with my husband.

Posted on February 10, 2011, in technology and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I have a MacBook too. I love it. In fact, my post ‘Ode to a Desperate Housewife’ was the first thing I wrote on my Mac when hubby bought if for me nearly 2 years ago.
    I remember plugging the printer in for the first time and the Mac recognised it instantly. So beautifully designed, from packaging to programs. It’s like they make these things psychic. And no set up whatsoever. All you have to do is type in your name and contact details. The rest is there to discover and to master.
    Happy trails. 🙂

    • I was thinking of you and that post as I was waiting for the delivery truck! It really is an amazing machine. I feel like it has magical powers that will make a me a better writer and photographer!

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