The Soothing Click of The Needles

About a year ago I was searching for  new hobby – something creative, something I could do with my hands.  I like to cross-stitch, but in all honesty, I don’t really like to display any of my cross-stitch work in my house.  It just doesn’t fit in with the rest of the decor.  I will hang Christmas ornaments, but I only need so many.  I was looking for a similar hobby and decided on knitting.  I have a number of friends who knit, and while it looked very complex, they make the coolest things (including sweaters for baby goats!).  I figured surely I could learn this craft with a good instruction book.  I asked for beginner tools for Christmas.

For the time being, my husband and I exchange our gifts to each other before Christmas.  This particular year we were quite a few days in advance of the actual holiday (it was also the day he proposed!), so I could learn how to knit during the few days I was going to be off work (or so I thought).  I started reading my beginner book.  I was immediately confused.  I got out my yarn and my needles.  I read the section about casting on over and over.  I tried it.  It didn’t work.  Finally, I got out the computer and Googled it.  Apparently, when it comes to knitting, I am a visual learner.

I figured out casting on, and tried to actually knit.  Oh, the frustration!  I had to Google that too.  I had to watch the video a few times, slow it down, but I got it.  Part of the issue was that I am left-handed and my book made no accommodations for that.  Pretty soon I was knitting away at my first scarf.  In the first year of my hobby, I have created multiple scarfs with different types of stitches, a shawl, dish cloths, a purse (well, I knitted all the pieces, I have yet to stitch them together), and a sleeveless shell.  I have worn it – once – but it is very misshapen.  After that, I figured I should get some professional help before I made another garment.

I am now taking a class to make a cardigan.  It is fun seeing it come together.  I am learning quite a bit, and should have considered a class long before now.  I still consider myself a beginner.  I knit nowhere near as fast as my friends, and I have to watch what I am doing.  I’m not one that can do it just be feel yet.  While it was frustrating getting started, I now find it very relaxing, and enjoy listening to the clickety-clack of the knitting needles (I am currently a fan of circular bamboo needles – although I have not actually knitted in the round).

I am enjoying the knitting class, and it’s interesting to gauge everyone’s experience level (pun intended).  A more advanced class takes place at the same time as our beginner class, and the people in that room are chatting away the entire time.  Our group, on the other hand, is much more subdued.  There is some talking, but I have noticed that the knitting slows down.  Overall, I have been pleased with my hobby choice.  I hope that after a few years I am able to make more intricate projects.  It is pretty cool to wear something that you made yourself.  Maybe I should consider dusting off my sewing machine, too.

About Michele

I am a thirty-something aspiring writer and photographer. For the time being, I earn my living as an attorney. When I'm not writing or making pictures, you'll find me running, playing with my dogs, or eating at local restaurants with my husband.

Posted on February 26, 2011, in creativity and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. I love that you Googled knitting.

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