Someone Read All My Blog Posts!

A couple of weeks ago I was sitting on the couch, and pulled up WordPress to start blogging for the evening.  Much to my surprise, I noticed on my front page that over the prior two days, someone had read almost every one of my blog posts.  My husband was sitting next to me and I said, “Wow, someone read almost all of my posts!  And after all that, they still didn’t subscribe!”  His reply was, “Hmmm.”

I started working on the post for the evening.  I was focusing on writing and about ten minutes later or so, he tapped me on the arm.  I glanced over at him and he said, “You really don’t know who read all your blog posts?”  My eyes widened, and I sort of felt exposed.  “You did?”  “Yeah, babe,” he said.  We both started laughing, although I was laughing to mask my panic.  What did he think?  He read them all but didn’t tell me and didn’t offer any feedback.  What did that mean?  Did he hate my writing?  I mean, he had read my legal writings many times, but this was the first time he’d ever read any of this type of my writing.

Ironically, just a couple of days before he read the blog, I had written about how I had yet to share this with my family and friends.  I wrote that I wasn’t even sure if my husband had read any of it, although I had not told him that he could not.  He referred to that post, and then I thought, “Oh, my, I hope he knows I take creative license when describing things that happen to us.”

After laughing for a bit longer, the flush faded from my face, and I resumed my writing for the evening.  I didn’t ask him that night was he thought about the blog.  In fact, I have yet to ask him what he thinks.  I suppose I am afraid he will just tell me what he thinks I want to hear so as to avoid hurting my feelings.  I am afraid that because he didn’t offer immediate praises that he didn’t like it.  I know I should just swallow my anxieties and ask him.  Here goes nothing…

About Michele

I am a thirty-something aspiring writer and photographer. For the time being, I earn my living as an attorney. When I'm not writing or making pictures, you'll find me running, playing with my dogs, or eating at local restaurants with my husband.

Posted on March 21, 2011, in blogging and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. This is cute. Mr karen reads mine – the first time he read a post I insisted on being out of the room. It felt like I was blushing all over!
    You’ll get used to it. 🙂

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