Getting Back on Track

I have really taken to heart taking a “break” after the half-marathon race.  Up until this week, I could have counted on one hand how many times I have run since that first weekend in May.  Here we are already in June!  And I call myself a runner.  I should be ashamed.

I find that I often struggle to find motivation during those two months that I am between races. Mentally I WANT to run five days a week, I want to get in one long run, but physically I struggle to get my feet out the door (let alone the rest of my body).  I have yet to really put my finger on what the problem is.

I could point to all kinds of environmental factors that have plagued me the past few weeks.  The weather has been terrible.  Either we are dealing with thunderstorms capable of producing hail and/or tornadoes or scorching temperatures and (what feels like) 100% humidity.  What happened to our spring?!  I find it difficult to force myself to go out in weather like this when I don’t HAVE to.

Over the long weekend I resolved that it was time to get back on track.  I have been eating a lot (and I mean A LOT) of ice cream lately, and that is only justifiable when one is running a decent amount of miles each week.  I am proud to say that I have run twice this week, although I sadly will not be able to run today, National Running Day.  Unfortunately, the backyard makeover calls me, and I must lay sod. (Although truth be told, today has not gone as planned, and in retrospect I could have gotten a short run in).

I have also decided that running is going to become a morning activity.  It is just too darn hot and humid if I wait until the evening.  It really doesn’t cool down until after 8, and by that time my belly is full of dinner and that never makes for a good run for me.  So, despite my body’s insistence that it is not a morning person, I am going to start dragging myself out of bed to get my run in early.

I have high hopes for this new plan.  First, I will get the run out of the way early and have more time in the evenings for other stuff (like blogging).  Second, it will help get rid of the dark circles under my eyes that usually hang around most of the day.  Third, the endorphins will help raise my spirits and put me in a better mood for the remainder of the day.  The best part about these high hopes?  I don’t have to do anything to achieve them other than get out of bed and run!  They are inherent benefits to running.

And on that note, I should probably start getting myself ready for bed so that I can meet the world tomorrow morning ready to go!

About Michele

I am a thirty-something aspiring writer and photographer. For the time being, I earn my living as an attorney. When I'm not writing or making pictures, you'll find me running, playing with my dogs, or eating at local restaurants with my husband.

Posted on June 1, 2011, in running and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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