Butler Bulldog Jog 5K | Recap

This morning we ran the 20th Annual Butler University Bulldog Jog 5K.  I sort of pressured my husband into running it with me, but I thought it would be a fun run and a good way to support Butler.  I of course signed us up after the early bird deadline (I’m terrible about that kind of stuff).  We stopped by the Butler HRC last night to pick up our bibs.  I was concerned that we weren’t going to get shirts since we registered late.  Luckily, they still had our sizes, which was awesome because these shirts are great.  They are tech shirts and so soft.  Considering the registration cost of $20 (if you were an early bird), this is a pretty good return on investment.

This year’s event also included the inaugural one mile dog walk.  I seriously considered signing us up for that, but was afraid that the dogs would just embarrass us too much.  I think it was wise that we decided to run the 5K.  There were so many dogs (tons of bulldogs, obviously), and I know Maggie would have flipped out.  One of the goals of the event was to gather items to donate to the Indiana Bulldog Rescue and the Indianapolis Humane Society.  Spearheaded by Butler’s mascot, Blue II, he asked participants to bring items that would be put to good use for those dogs less fortunate than him and our spoiled mutts.  So, we gathered up all of the leashes and harnesses that we no longer use (or never really used because Maggie is so picky) and dropped them off when we got our bibs last night.

We had a pretty decent storm come through last evening, and I was  a little concerned that we were going to get rained on and/or that the tow path would be a puddle-ridden, soggy mess.  I would not have been too upset if it had rained because I’m convinced that it’s going to rain during the Mini because we’ve had such great training weather.  However, I knew that rain would not have pleased my husband, and with this being his first race, I wanted it to go smoothly.

We woke up and the weather was perfect.  Just a little chilly, and the sun was coming up.  We needed to run more than just 3.1 miles, so we figured we would run over to campus and back to get in a little over 5 miles.  We walked outside and were greeted by this sunrise.  Pretty good way to start a Saturday if you ask me.  I can only hope that May 5 dawns the same way.  I could already hear the music and festivities coming from Butler.

We made it over in under 8 minutes.  As soon as we walked up I saw the Back on My Feet Indy group.  It was great to finally meet some of the members.  I received a big package of fundracing gear yesterday, so I was sporting one of my new shirts.  I definitely felt a sense of pride being affiliated with the group. (If you are interested in helping me reach my fundraising goal, visit my campaign page here.)

As we made our way towards the starting line, I saw them: Blue II and Trip!  Blue was hanging out in his Burley Trailers Tail Wagon, ready for his duties as Grand Marshall of the Dog Walk.  I finally had my chance to meet and get my picture with him, but I didn’t do it.  I’m so silly.

It was about ten minutes to go time, and I wanted to get up towards the front of the pack.  I had no delusions that I was going to stay at the front of the pack, but I wanted to avoid having to weave in and out of people.  I was really impressed with the fact that they had pacers.  We started behind the girl with the 7:50 sign.  As expected, when the race started people took off in a dead sprint, us included.

As the crowd thinned, I told my husband we were going too fast, and we backed off.  I know it was only a 5K, but I didn’t think running a 7:30 pace would be good for either of us.  Perhaps I was wrong.  We stuck together for almost the first mile, and he started to pull ahead of me.  We passed the first mile marker, and he continued to pull ahead of me.  By the time we hit the tow path, I stopped trying to spot him!  I just focused on my own pace, thinking that if I stayed where I was, I might finish around an 8:00 pace.

I kept closing the gap on the 7:50 pacer, and as I neared the 3 mile sign, I kicked it into gear.  I passed her, and tried not to think about the steep hill that was waiting for me at the end.  I hit the bottom of it and just looked down.  For me, hills are easier if I’m not looking up the steep grade ahead of me.  I saw the finish line, and realized the finish was actually on the football field.  That was pretty cool, and I’ll admit I pretended I was a college athlete as I gave it all I had those last few feet.

My unofficial time was 25:09.  I’m pretty pleased about that.  My husband was waiting for me, and one of the Back on My Feet runners gave me a high-five.  I definitely felt like I had given it my all, which is always my main goal for a race.  We walked back by Hinkle, got some water, and marveled over the impressive race set up.  They had the normal after race food, but they also had a nice area for stretching and massages!  All along the race route we were cheered on by smiling and friendly student volunteers.  I will definitely run this race again.  Great job, Butler HRC!

I hoped to maybe see Blue again, but the dog walk was still going on and we had to get going.  We had a busy day ahead of us and a mile run home.  So off we went at an easy jog.  The official race results aren’t posted yet, but I expect my husband ran at least a 7:50 pace or faster.  Pretty impressive for a first race (although I like to take some credit since I told him we need to slow down at the start).  It’s only a matter of time before I get him to the start of a half marathon.  Happy running!

About Michele

I am a thirty-something aspiring writer and photographer. For the time being, I earn my living as an attorney. When I'm not writing or making pictures, you'll find me running, playing with my dogs, or eating at local restaurants with my husband.

Posted on March 24, 2012, in running and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Well, I’m glad you got a shirt since my 11 year old daughter who WAS a pre-registered early bird did not. They had run out by this morning, and many early birds did not get the shirt they were promised. I found the entire event fairly unorganized and perhaps those in charge should have designated the pre-registered before giving out shirts to those who registered later. My older daughter who attends Butler registered months ago to volunteer and they were out of those shirts, as well. What a mess for a 20th anniversary run. Go Dawgs….. Although I do agree with you that it was a lovely day.

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