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Your Delivery Will Occur During This 2-Hour Window

How many times have we heard that?  I am sitting here waiting for my new washer and dryer to be delivered.  After doing our Consumer Reports research and a little price shopping, we went to the appliance store Monday evening to purchase the set we had decided on.  The first delivery available was today, Thursday.  Perfect.  I had nothing on my calendar.  The salesman told us we would receive a call Wednesday evening letting us know our 2-hour delivery window.  He assured us it was NOT like the cable or phone company that provide you with a huge window of time for them to arrive within.  No, their delivery people would be there within this window.

I got home from my running group last night to find an automated message from the store.  Our delivery will occur between 8:45 am and 10:45 am.  Perfect.  Surely we would be within the first delivery group of the day.  I couldn’t imagine that they did a 6:45 am delivery slot.  I got up at my normal time and figured I should take a quick look at the brochure we received at the store to make sure I have everything ready for delivery.  Great, we were supposed to drain all the water out of the washer.  How do you even do that?

I went down, pulled the hose out, and laid it as flat as possible on the basement floor.  Some pretty foul-smelling water drained out.  I tipped the machine backwards to see if anything else would come out.  Nope.  I jiggled it around.  It didn’t sound like there was any water sloshing around.  Surely they would be satisfied with that.  I looked up and one of the dogs was lapping the stagnant water out of the drain.  Dogs can be gross sometimes.  I made sure the path to the basement was clear, then went up to get in the shower.

8:45 rolled around and I had to dry my hair.  If I waited much longer, there is no way I would be able to make my hair presentable.  But what if the delivery truck arrived and I didn’t hear it?  I decided to risk it and turned on the hair dryer.  I was concerned for no reason.  My husband left for a hearing at a little after 9.  Still no word from the delivery people.  I decided to do a little straightening up, balance the checkbook, buy some concert tickets.  (What I have yet to do is “work” from home, which is what I really should be doing).  While performing these activities, the dogs periodically go nuts.  Every fifteen minutes or so they start barking and tearing through the house.  Every time I think, yes, they are here!  I get up only to find someone walking their dog, or a big cement truck driving down the street.  Why there is a cement truck driving down our tiny 8-block street is beyond me.

It is now 10:42. Yes, they have three minutes.  No, I am not optimistic.  I think I’m going to miss having lunch with my husband.  Who knows how long they will actually be here once they arrive.  I am a bit apprehensive about them getting the old machines up and the new machines down.  The previous owners remodeled the stairs to the basement and they are very steep with very little overhead clearance.  Let’s hope everything moves through the stairwell smoothly.  It’s now 10:45.  No delivery men.  No phone call.  Could that be a truck I hear rumbling down the street?!  Nope, just an airplane.

I’m just curious, who actually gets items delivered towards the beginning of the delivery window?  I’ve never had it happen.  Have you?