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If I Had A Time Machine

Today I had to travel to the home of my college alma mater for a deposition.  While dark clouds threatened to unleash a torrential downpour during the morning, by the time the deposition was over, it was a beautiful spring day.  A day that reminded me of my college years in that very same town.  And oh, how I longed for those days.

The warm breeze blew through my hair and the sun warmed my cheeks.  I wanted to walk around campus, but my suit and high heels would have been a dead giveaway that I no longer belonged among the students.  What I wouldn’t have given, though, to fall in line with them walking to and from class…or, more likely, ditching class in order to enjoy the beautiful day.  Not that I ever did that during my time…riiight.

I remember doing that very thing one early spring day.  It was bass fishing class.  Yep, you read that right, bass fishing.  What day did we decide to skip out on?  The only day of the entire the semester that we were actually going to do a physical activity related to fishing rather than just watching videos.  It was only one credit hour, but I wonder what my parents would think about me spending their hard-earned money on tuition for a bass fishing class.  However, I would totally take the class again if I had to do it over.

I often yearn for the days of my college youth.  The days when I could go out at 11:00 at night, stay out until 2:00 am, and still manage to make it to all my classes the next day.  These days it’s all I can do to stay up until 11:00 pm.  Today I had an even stronger sense of nostalgia because I am usually on campus when the students are not.   I was reminded of my own days after spring break, the countdown to finals and summer vacation.  Trying to study outside on the rooftop of our dorm, but inevitably our concentration would wane, we would start people watching, and we would eventually dissolve into hysterics.  I know I’m dating myself, but those were the good ol’ days.  I guess everyone has to grow up sometime.