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Here a Tweet, There a Tweet

I have finally joined the world of Twitter.  For some reason, I had been reluctant to do so.  In general, I love social media, but Twitter seemed so intimidating.  I didn’t understand tweeting or following or hash tags (hash marks? I still have so much to learn).  I believe social media should be fun, and it seemed like Twitter would require work to figure out.  I felt like I would need to read a manual or take a training class or something.  I never even went to the Twitter website.

I almost created an account about a year ago.  I attended a seminar at a conference about using social media to market your law firm.  While it piqued my interest enough to figure out that I had a Twitter app on my phone, I left the seminar more confused than I started.  And I put Twitter out of my head again.

I finally went to the Twitter website over the summer when the government agency I worked for at the time decided to start tweeting.  I thought it was ridiculous and had to see what they were saying.  Needless to say, that was not enough to get me to create an account.

Even though I knew a number of people on Twitter that I would be interested in following, I couldn’t see myself tweeting.  What in the world would I talk about in 140 character bursts and who would follow me?  I figured what was the point of joining Twitter if not to tweet?  Well, I finally came across a good reason to sign up.  There is a web site that provides daily suggestions for pictures, and if you complete the assignment and tweet it, your picture will appear on the website.  I completed a few assignments and just added my photos to the site’s Flickr group.  Obviously, the photos on the website get more exposure, and since I’m really trying to market myself, I figured I should give Twitter a try.  Funny how things motivate us, right?

I signed up yesterday, but have yet to actually tweet anything.  I looked at yesterday’s assignment, read the instructions on how to properly tweet my photo in order to get it onto the site, read the FAQs on the site, then went to the Help page on Twitter.  I am still feeling overwhelmed about how to properly tweet for this particular purpose (in general, I get how the process works.  I’m not that technologically inept).  I did take a picture for today’s assignment, so as soon as I process it, we’ll see how it goes.

On the other side, I have found all kinds of interesting people to follow.  I really should have done this a long time ago because you don’t have to tweet to enjoy Twitter.  I get updates on my phone, and it’s much better than checking out a bunch of different websites.  Everything is right there in one place, just like the news feeds on Facebook.  Finally, something I can relate to!  So far, I am enjoying my newfound Twitter world.  Do you tweet?  I just might follow you too.