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Another Year Older

Monday was my birthday, and I am a firm believer in embracing my birthday. Another year older does mean another year wiser. I like to think of my birthday as my own personal New Year – a time for reflection, change, new beginnings. I don’t mind getting older because I don’t feel older. (Although we went to a concert last night, and maybe I am too old to be out after 11 on a Tuesday!)

In general, it was a pretty good day. My husband made my birthday cake (see left) completely from scratch – including mousse filling and ganache frosting. Am I a lucky girl or what? Also, calories don’t count it they are in the form of birthday cake. One of my favorite parts of any given birthday is the call I receive from my 81-year-old grandma. She is so cute. We basically have the same conversation every year, but I like it. Strangely, I did not get a call from my brother, but perhaps family dynamics are better left for another post.  Birthdays are happy occasions.

I received an unexpected surprise, although I don’t know that it counts as a birthday present. I got a call about one of the out-of-state jobs I discussed previously. I have an interview two weeks from Friday. I can’t believe how quickly it came about, and I’m already fretting over having to make a difficult decision. My husband tells me not to get ahead of myself, which is wise advice, but I can’t help but think about what will happen if I receive an offer too good to pass up and we have to move less than two years after we bought our house.

It’s a new year, so I want to be open to opportunity, but the logistics have me stressed out already. If it weren’t for the house, I would be all for it. Not only would the move mean better opportunities for my current career, it would also be better for writing and photography.

However, it’s probably best to just take one day at a time. That’s one of the things I’m trying to do during this next year of life. No more wishing days away. I will just have to patiently wait for two weeks to pass…

Unexpected Opportunities

I am continuously searching for new opportunities, whether they are related to my current profession or my desired profession.  I search the internet.  I read professional publications. I apply for jobs (lots of jobs) with no expectations that I will ever be hired. At least I’m getting my name out there.  I attend networking events (which I hate) because you never know who you might meet or run into.

I have been presented with a couple of unexpected opportunities recently – none of which are certain, but both of which would likely lead to even more opportunities.  Both would also require moving.  My husband and I have talked for years about moving someplace warmer, someplace with a bigger music scene, with more diversity.  But we’ve never really pursued it because neither of us wants to continue doing what we do, and I fear that moving would likely trap us into our profession.

I’ve been thinking a lot the last few days about what it would mean to pick up and move.  We love our house, and we just moved here barely 20 months ago.  Moving would mean a smaller house (and maybe no house at all, but a condo), perhaps no yard, no garage, longer commute. It would also mean more money (and not just a cost of living adjustment), more people to meet, more opportunities.

We would undoubtedly have to change our style of living, and I don’t mean what we spend our money on. We would have to plan going to dinner, going to the grocery, going shopping.  And what about kids?  We know the good schools around here (and that we can afford most of those we would seriously consider).  But what do we know about other cities?  And before that, what about day care?

When the most recent opportunity presented itself I was excited and starting thinking about all of the positive things that could come of it.  I was able to think of a response for anything negative.  Over the past 48 hours I’ve done a complete 18 and can only think of the negatives, and have nothing positive to say in response.  Does this mean that I’m really not ready to move?  Or does it mean that I’m just letting my fear of the unknown win?

Maybe I should just wait and see what, if anything, actually comes to be.