Blog Archives

Sand Through The Hourglass

I have no idea where the last 24 hours have gone.  Really, the last week.  Time is flying by as if I have no control over anything.  I find it strange that during the week I can find the time every night to write two blog posts, complete a daily photograph assignment, run, knit some, read some, and still manage to go to bed at a reasonable hour.  No, I’m not doing any of this during work hours!  But once the weekend rolls around, I get nothing done.  I struggle to find time to do one blog post, let alone two.

I would love to say I’m living a jet set life and that’s why I can’t (don’t) find the time.  But that’s simply not true.  We pretty much just stay around the house.  I can’t even say there are any home improvement projects in the works taking up weekend time.

I love to schedule my weekdays, but I try not to schedule weekend time.  I have things to accomplish on the weekends, but it’s not so rigid as to say “get up at 7:30, gather laundry, make coffee”, etc.  I’m thinking I might have to start doing that.  When the weekend rushes by, I don’t feel prepared for the week ahead.  I need that weekend time to decompress and regroup.

It is only a little after 9 on Saturday night, so I suppose I shouldn’t assume that the remainder of the weekend will be a complete waste.  I will at least run 9 miles.  But tonight marks the shift in daylight savings time, so I will lose an hour of sleep when we “spring forward” in the wee hours of the morning.  Which means that I most certainly will need a nap tomorrow afternoon, even with plans to turn in a bit early tonight.

I’m hoping to slow down the sands of time in the next couple of weeks in order to complete some projects and cross things off my to-do list.  We’ll see how that goes.