Blog Archives

The Thoughts In My Head

Hey, blog. It’s been a while. I know. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say. I have a lot to say. I’m just not ready to say it.

When I started this blog, I was in a kind of negative place. Before long, my posts reflected that, and that wasn’t what I wanted for this space. I made a conscious decision that I would not write any more negative posts. No complaining about work, my profession, etc. Here, I would stay positive.

That’s a lot easier to do when it doesn’t seem like everything is turning to shit. To be honest, 2013 has been a real bitch. I can’t ever recall a more trying three months. It has been really difficult to be positive – about anything.  Whenever I thought about posting, I was focusing on ugly thoughts. So, I didn’t write.

I can’t say that much has changed, but I need an outlet. And, I want to believe that the power of positive thinking works. So, I leave you with three positive things that happened today:

1.  I was able to run in shorts and short sleeves today.

2.  I had an idea for a new story and the first three pages practically wrote themselves.

3.  March Madness resumed.

Don’t worry; this isn’t going to become standard format for future posts. I’m just doing what I can to get in the right frame of mind.