Blog Archives

A Weekend Away

I’m not sure if it’s the old Dell computer or what, but this is the second time I have tried to publish a post only to find out a day later that it didn’t actually post.  Again, I have no idea what happened because this time I am certain the “post published” banner came up and I clicked on view post.  I blame the stupid old laptop.  Anyway, this post was written yesterday morning about 9:30 and I see no point in not actually publishing it.


I have been a bit lax in my posting this weekend because I am at my state bar association’s women’s bench/bar retreat.  The schedule has been packed full of seminars and activities, so I missed posting yesterday.  This conference has a very interesting dynamic (which I will discuss once I get back home) and every year I leave wondering if I’ll return the next year.  And I always do.

This year I was actually asked to present one of the seminars, so I am a bit nervous (it’s in two hours).  I don’t know why because public speaking does not really scare me.  I had one dream where attendees kept talking during the presentation, and another just Thursday night where people were leaving in the middle of it.  Weird, right?  I think it’s because this will be the first time I have ever presented in front of a group of lawyer peers.  A bit intimidating.

I’m sure it will be fine, but I’m ready for it to be here and over with!