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Everybody Snores

Our little border collie beagle mix snores louder than any other dog I have met, and some people.  It is amazing how much sound can come out of that little face.  Sometimes she even wakes herself up.   Many nights she will be stretched out across the bed snoring to her heart’s content all the while keeping us up.

The other night, I apparently was having some issues and was snoring up a storm.  I guess this disturbed Maggie’s beauty sleep, as my husband relayed the following to me the next day.

When I started snoring (I must have been pretty loud), Maggie got up from where she was laying at the end of the bed and walked up beside me, hovering over me and staring.  She looked at my husband, looked back at me, and sighed.  She then promptly jumped off the bed and curled up on one of the pillows on the floor.  I, however, continued to snore.  Her place on the floor was not far enough away from me.  She then proceeded to crawl underneath the bed to get farther away from the sound.

I can just imagine her furry face perched above mine, staring, wondering how to make that noise stop.  I laugh thinking about what she will do with crying babies.  I also wonder what she does the other nights that my husband or I are snoring.  Is this a usual routine for her and we are typically asleep when it happens?  Or was I just really that loud?  I’m not sure which answer I prefer.  On the one hand, no one wants to admit they snore, let alone at such volume.  On the other hand, I find it disturbing that our dog gets exasperated, stares at me, and sighs, all while I am obliviously sound asleep.  Perhaps she is also part human.